Recalibration of Ultra-High-Redshift Galaxies

Remember all the recent excitement about the extremely high redshift galaxies (such as this and this; the two examples shown above) “identified” in early-release JWST observations? Well, a new paper on the arXiv by Adams et al using post-launch calibration of the JWST photometry suggests that we should be cautious about the interpretation of these objects. The key message of this study is that the preliminary calibration that has been in widespread use for these studies is wrong by up to 30% and that can have a huge impact on inferred redshifts.

The new study does indeed identify some good candidates for ultra-high-redshift galaxies, but it also casts doubt on many of the previous claims. Here is a table of some previous estimates alongside those using the newly recalibrated data:

You will see that in most – but not all – cases the recalibration results in a substantial lowering of the estimated redshift; one example decreases from z>20 to 0.7! The two candidates mentioned at the start of this post are not included in this table but one should probably reserve judgement on them too.

The conclusive measurements for these objects will however include spectroscopy, and the identification of spectral lines, rather than photometry and model fits to the spectra energy distribution. Only with such data will we really know how many of these sources are actually at very high redshift. As the philosopher Hegel famously remarked

The Owl of Minerva only spreads its wings with the coming of spectroscopy.

3 Responses to “Recalibration of Ultra-High-Redshift Galaxies”

  1. […] hier und hier – auch ein JWST-Blog mit Pretty Pictures aus verschiedenen Quellen, Artikel hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier und hier und ein Podcast. Ferner das Paper „Evidence for […]

  2. […] of mass to light is consequently hard to predict. Moreover we don’t even have overwhelmingly convincing measurements of the redshifts yet. A brief summary of the conclusions of this paper, however, is that is some of the big early […]

  3. […] fait, tout récemment, dans leurs blogs, Stacy McGaugh et un autre cosmologiste de renom, Peter Coles (auteur avec son collègue Francesco Lucchin d’un remarquable traité de cosmologie), ont […]

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